"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


Missin my boy

Jon is at ANOTHER Boy Scout camp this week. I miss him terribly already! He's my buddy, my pal, my biggest (ok, my ONLY) helper at home! I know he really needs the break from his brother's though..... Then, not only do I miss him but I'm stuck worrying about him since it's been so freakin cold lately. I keep wondering....is he warm enough with the one measly sweatshirt he packed? I really should have made him take his coat. I'm sure he's getting enough to eat. They always have plenty of food...but I forgot to give him his bug bite spray so I hope he's not being eaten alive by bugs. They do tend to love him. Most of all, I just hope he's having a great time!


Unknown said...

Aw...I feel you loss...I'm sending mine away again this weekend...cause I know he needs some time away from us girls...me and his sis that is...

4funboys said...

that's sweet...

My 2 "helpers" are gone this week too-

sure makes you appreciate them more when their around.