"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


Jon's first big purchase?

Jon has been saving up money ever since Jared dropped the bomb that we will in no way supply a vehicle for him. While I don't agree (at all) with Jared, I do believe that kids take better care of things that they purchased themselves. I am proud of Jon for the work he's done to save up the money needed. Today he is working for a couple of hours and then he is going to....look at a car! He is SO excited. He's found several on Craiglsist that he's been interested in but it always seems he's a day late and a dollar short. He REALLY likes this one so cross your fingers that it all works out!


Jennifer said...

why don't you agree with your husband? Maybe it's an American thing, but why does every teen have to have a car provided by their parents? I remember thinking that when I turned 16, that I would get a car- that's what was shown on ALL the television programs (most from the US).Boy was I disappointed.
I didn't get the car. In fact I got a dinkie car :), but I did receive a set of keys for my parents car. They taught me responsibility- using someone else's property- and being respectful of their car. Cleaning the inside, filling it up with gas etc.
Anyway, I share all this not to begin a debate...but why is it expected to receive a set of wheels from your parents?
I do agree with you that it's great that kids take better care of things that they have bought themselves. They are more respectful and more aware how much it's worth because they had to WORK for it!
I do hope that he get that car though.

y u l z said...

hye there . . boy I haven't been coming here for such a long time.

I'm now back to my blogging world though :)

I've been asking for a permission from my parents to buy myself a car but.. still waiting for the green light * patient * and.. the huge news is that my little sister just sign a buyer's receipt for a car that my parents bought for her - last week :( I asked first ( to buy for myself ) and my sister's the one having one ( and my parents are paying ) huhuhu