"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


low key saturday

My mom took the two big boys for a "date" last night. It included a sleepover at Grandmas. All to butter them up to make them good and gung ho for leaving early this morning to go help out finishing up at my Dad's rental house. I do believe this is the LAST weekend it will be worked on before somebody can move on in! YEAH! To say that last night and today has been easier on me is an understatement. Those of you with multiple children know that taking even one out of the mix makes a world of difference. My mom took Jake. Enough said. Today after fartin around all morning we had a french toast brunch. YUM. The boys then had a quick karate lesson (they didn't want to go....it's spring break, you know) We've basically just been hanging out watching kid flicks all day. Oh, and they discovered we have a free game lounge trial weekend on tv so they're playing silly games like they're the most awesome games ever. Nevermind the fact that we have a Wii and a million games to go with it, the free game lounge is awesome. I think we'll have a low key, kid friendly dinner followed by our Netflix pick of the week....The Tales of Despereaux. The movie is a surprise. Tanner is going to be so excited. Jared was reading him the book right before the movie came out in theaters. Once it came out, Jared vowed to take him to see it. Yeah, that never happened. So, we'll watch it tonight. Should be fun!

If I don't get on tomorrow.....HAPPY EASTER!


Bella Baby said...

sounds like today has been relaxing for you. i hope the rest of the week is the same...
oh by the way my aunt is taking me to the OB-GYN on monday to find out for sure. so i'll keep you posted

Kate said...

How was the moooooooooovie? Glad to hear you had a semi-relaxing (if not, quieter lol) weekend!