"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


A First for us...

I finally got a picture of my entire family! Here it is....the first family photo as a family of 8. Sure, we're not dressed to impress or anything but it was early Christmas morning. Hey, at least I got a picture, right?!

Here are my 6 beautiful boys! All together.....touching and EVERYTHING! WOW! Trust me, that's AMAZING!
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Gucci Mama said...

Love it!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

That is awesome!!! I love it!!!

Susan Holt Simpson said...

So glad to see all your family on the big holiday - together and smiling! What a very handsome family!

Happy New Year!

tracey.becker1@gmail.com said...

My goodness, they look like their daddy!!

Claremont First Ward said...

I LOVE this picture of you flanked by your men. Such a lucky mom! :)

Happy New YEar!

Did I tell you I moved?

Bethany said...

Great picture!

So question...is it just my boys, or do your boys fight a lot too? Its almost never ending here. I'm starting to think they are abnormal and will forever just hate eachother. I only had one brother growing up, so I don't know how other boys are. lol