"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


So scary...

I just got home from the minor injury clinic. Jon's foot was stepped on last night at football practice. He was wearing his cleats and so was the boy who stepped on him. I was taking him to practice and he showed me his big toe. It was so red! I took him to my mom's to get her expert advice and she said it looked like it *may* be broken. Jon was adamant about not missing a game and so I figured I'll have coach look at it and see if he wants an xray. Lucky for Jon, Coach sided with me and said he needed to go to the docs. Well, by the time we got to see the nurse, he had a red line going up past his ankle! We got back to the doc and he had to freeze it, drain it and give Jon IV antibiotics RIGHT AWAY! The doc said that he had a pretty major infection and had we waited, he would've been very sick tomorrow. The doc said, this is the kind of fast spreading infection that kills people! It sounds like he should be fine. He's on crutches and antibiotics for days. He can't do PE or football for about a week. The scary thing is, what if he didn't show me?! If he had a fever tomorrow (which he most certainly would have) I may have thought it was the bug we all just had. Man, we could've lost Jon! Thank you God for watching over Jon! Poor guy.


Melissa said...

Wow, that is scary! Glad he will be okay now.

Amie said...

Scary! These stories scare me, I have heard so many lately that now I watch even the tiniest of cuts on my kids and worr if they look slightly red!

Good thing you brought him to the doc!!

Dawn said...

Wow! That is scary! I am so glad he will be okay. I would not have thought that a little thing like a foot being stepped on could turn into something so dangerous. Good thing to know.

Susan Hatler said...

OMG, that's totally freaky. So glad Jon's all right.

Susan Hatler said...

BTW, you’ve been BLOG TAGGED! Don’t freak, you can unfreeze yourself by following the instructions on my blog. Kimberly got me involved. Blame her.

Anonymous said...

Hey Dana,

Just checking in to see how Jon is doing? any better?