"Of all the animals, the BOY is the most unmanageable!" ~ Plato


2010 already?!?!

WOW! This year sure has flown by and here I sit on New Year's Eve in total shock that 2010 is upon us. Man oh man, I sure hope 2010 is a better year than 2009 has been. We did bring our beautiful Branson into the world this year so it wasn't all bad but...UGH! It's been a rough year and I am anxious to move forward into what I can only hope will be a better year. This economy has affected us in more ways than one and I'm hoping we can manage to pull ourselves up by our bootstraps and prosper in this coming year. How do you feel about 09? Anxious to see it go? Was it a good year for you? What are you looking forward to in 10?

Have a SAFE and happy new year one and all!

1 comment:

coreymom40 said...

Happy New Year, may it be better than 09 for all....
Congrats on that beautiful baby boy...